Do You Raleigh?
I want to welcome readers to TriSoccerFan that found there way here via the Raleighing blog, where our little corner of the blogosphere was the featured story yesterday.
For TriSoccerFan readers not familiar with Raleighing you might want to check out this local blog. Much like TriSoccerFan, it focuses on news and information relevant to the Triangle area -- but instead of simply focusing on soccer, their purview is anything that impacts or is interesting to local area residents. These guys have gone so far as to coin their own word:
Ra·leigh (rô'lē, rä'-) - n. The capital of North Carolina, United States of America. v. To completely engage one's self in the events, changes, development, direction, and excitement of Raleigh, NC, one of the most desired places to live in the US. Let's Raleigh tonight down on Glenwood South, dude! or Did you hear that Jane completely Raleighed the other night? and Oh man, you are such a Raleigher!
And if you find you really like to Raleigh, Chris and Dana, the site's maintainers, have their own line of merchandise. Don't you want a Raleighing thong?
-- Jarrett @ 12/08/2005 08:37:00 AM |
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